Carbon Dioxide Removal in the ETS

© frauwolter /cdrterra
By integrating credits for CO₂ removal (CDR) into the European Emissions Trading System (ETS), the European Union could tackle two challenges at once. On the one hand, it would give CDR companies planning and investment security and accelerate the expansion of urgently needed CO₂ removal processes. Secondly, CDR credits in the ETS would reduce the time and price pressure for participating emitters. This is because they could still buy emission certificates even if the EU itself no longer issues any certificates.
Interested readers can find detailed information on this topic in the new CDRterra factsheet:
CDRterra factsheets: If you are interested in learning more about CO₂ removal
The factsheet „Kohlendioxidentnahmeverfahren an Land – wie sie funktionieren und warum wir sie brauchen, um unsere Klimaziele zu erreichen” provides a general overview of CO₂ removal processes.
The CDRterra factsheet “Die Kohlenstoffspeicherung unserer Böden steigern” explains the potential, technical development status and advantages and disadvantages of these CO₂ removal methods.
You can find out more about the feasibility, potential and risks of new chemical-technical CDR methods in the factsheet “Neue technische Verfahren zur CO₂-Entnahme aus der Atmosphäre”.
Information on biological CDR methods can be found in the factsheet “Mit der Kraft der Pflanzen: Biologische Verfahren zur CO₂-Entnahme aus der Atmosphäre”.