Input from CDRterra researchers on the IPCC Synthesis Report
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) today published its synthesis report “Climate Change 2023”. The report draws on the findings of six main and special reports published by the IPCC in the now-closing cycle since 2015. It is of critical importance as it comprehensively describes the extent, impacts and mitigation of human-induced climate change.
The publication was preceded by a week-long IPCC plenary meeting in Interlaken, Switzerland, from 13 to 19 March 2023. At this meeting, participating governments adopted the detailed synthesis report, as well as the summary for policy makers, sentence by sentence.
CDRterra researchers Oliver Geden and Matthias Garschagen are members of the 30-strong core author team of the synthesis report and have contributed, among other things, their knowledge of CO₂ removals and emission reductions. Oliver Geden was responsible for the section on overshoot, among other things, in the summary for decision-makers. Matthias Garschagen led, among other things, sections and graphs on future risks – also related to overshoot – and gaps in climate change adaptation.
Prof. Dr. Matthias Garschagen is a professor at the Department of Geography at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (LMU) and conducts research in our STEPSEC project on multi-criteria assessments of CDR pathways and land use change scenarios.
Dr Oliver Geden is a Senior Fellow at the German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP) and is researching the political-institutional feasibility of integrating CDR into European and German climate policy in our CDRSynTra project.
Find out more on the IPCC Synthesis Report 2023.
Read the interview with Matthias Garschagen on the IPCC Synthesis Report on the website of the LMU.