CDRterra – BMBF research program on land-based CO₂ removal (CDR) methods

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Realistic potentials of Carbon Dioxide Removal – CDR

To limit climate change, reducing our greenhouse gas emissions has to be the top priority. However, to achieve greenhouse gas neutrality by 2045, we need additional methods that permanently remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. But is CDR really feasible, effective and sensible? The BMBF research program CDRterra investigates the realistic potential of land-based CO₂ removal methods.

CDR methods - Credit CDRterra, Björn Maier
There are many methods of removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. None of them is a magic bullet.

CDRterra News

The CDRterra research projects

In the CDRterra research program, more than 100 researchers in ten collaborative projects are investigating how and to what extent land-based CO2 removal methods can contribute to limiting climate change. The following terrestrial CDR methods will be investigated: afforestation, reforestation and forest management, bioenergy with carbon capture and storage (BECCS), pyrolysis of biomass to biochar, enhanced soil carbon sequestration, enhanced weathering of rock, direct air capture and carbon storage (DACCS), and various combinations of CO2 uptake methods and storage in long-lived products.

The CDRSynTra synthesis project unites the results from the projects. It also forms the central interface to the CDRmare research mission, which is investigating marine CDR methods. The goal is to comprehensively and uniformly evaluate the potentials and side-effects of the various methods and upscaling paths. On this basis, a socially acceptable, politically feasible and ecologically and economically sensible portfolio of CDR methods can be developed – in dialog with politics, industry and the public.

Overview of the CDRterra research consortia

The CDRterra research program

How can Germany achieve greenhouse gas neutrality by 2045? And what role does the removal of CO2 from the atmosphere play in this? The BMBF-funded CDRterra research program explores political, ecological, technical, economic and societal issues related to “Carbon Dioxide Removal” (CDR). The goal is a comprehensive and comparative assessment of land-based CDR methods and their relevance for climate protection pathways.

Ein Kraftwerk stößt Emissionen in die Atmosphäre aus

What can we do for you?

More than 35 institutions, over 100 researchers and extensive knowledge about land-based CO2 removal: that is CDRterra. We are happy to help you with questions about the research program, contacts to researchers and arranging interviews:

For press inquiries
Karin Adolph
Public Relations Managerin
For any other requests
Dr. Michael Miller
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