
Our CDR Side Event at the COP27

side event cop27

Germany is committed to the Paris Agreement and has set itself the goal of becoming greenhouse gas neutral by 2045. This requires not only emission reductions but also processes to generate negative emissions.

Together with our partner research programme CDRmare, which is also funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, we are more than 300 experts comprehensively assessing the ecological, technical, economic, political, legal and social feasibility of various ocean- and land-based processes for CO2 removal.

In a side event on “Removing CO2 from the Atmosphere: Ways to Achieve the Paris Agreement Goals and Sustainable Development” in the German Pavilion at COP27, we presented our research and discussed the political implementation, potentials and scalability of CDR together with interested parties.

from left to right: Moderator Lukas Fehr, Elisabeth Heilgeist (Ref. 723/BMBF), Dr. Oliver Geden, Prof. Julia Pongratz

On the panel were our speaker Prof. Julia Pongratz as well as our transfer manager Lukas Fehr from Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich, Prof. Gregor Rehder, co-spokesperson of CDRmare from the Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research Warnemünde (online) as well as Dr. Jessica Strefler from the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (online) and Dr. Oliver Geden from the German Institute for International and Security Affairs – both are from our synthesis and transfer project CDRSynTRa.

Watch our COP27 side event on Youtube